Zato Melania Trump ne more biti prva dama

Objavljeno 15. marec 2016 16.25 | Posodobljeno 15. marec 2016 15.28 | Piše: Ciera Lundberg

Od prihoda v Slovenijo me je veliko ljudi vprašalo o Donaldu Trumpu in o mojem mnenju o tem, da bi bil predsednik ZDA. Nisem si mislila, da Slovenci posvečate toliko pozornosti ameriški politiki, potem pa sem sprevidela, v katerem grmu tiči zajec: Trumpova žena je Slovenka.

Biti prva dama ne pomeni zgolj tega, da ste predsednikova žena. Ona ima priložnost predstaviti lastne ideje. Prav dejstvo, da je predsednikova žena, pa lahko izkoristi, da je slišana. Moja poanta je, da njena služba ni zgolj biti lepa (za kar sicer verjamem, da bi šlo gospe Trump odlično od rok), ampak se boriti za reševanje resničnih problemov in skrbeti, da so takšne stvari izpostavljene v javnosti. Ona si mora prizadevati, da se premaknejo. Prepričana sem, da Melania Trump lahko počne vse te stvari. Konec koncev si je ustvarila lastno ime, očitno pa je tudi pametna. Verjamem, da bi bila odlična prva dama. Ampak če bi bila Trumpova žena prva dama, to pomeni, da bi moral biti Donald Trump predsednik ZDA. O tem pa imam, kakor tudi mnogi drugi Američani, resne pomisleke.

Po mojem skromnem mnenju je Donald Trump sramota za ZDA. Kljub temu pa ima podporo mnogih Američanov, ki seveda imajo razlog za to, da mu namenjajo svoj glas. Če izpostavimo lastnosti njegovih podpornikov: največkrat so belci, konservativni, prihajajo iz delavskega razreda, so Američani, ki se jim zdi, da gre država (in svet) v napačno smer. Njegovi podporniki so ljudje, ki jih strah za službe, vero, svoj status, za narod, strah tega, da se bodo spremenili in pozabili na tradicijo. To so ljudje, ki menijo, da jih višje instance poskušajo prepeljati žejne čez vodo. Da poskušajo preprosto pohoditi malega človeka. In če sem čisto odkrita, imajo tudi prav. Amerika se spreminja, sistem priseljevanja ne deluje, socialna lestvica pa prav tako ni poštena. V nekaterih primerih ljudi res izkoristijo in izražanje skrbi za to je pravica in dolžnost državljanov ZDA. A Trump le izkorišča negotovost teh ljudi. Je, denimo, gradnja ogromnega zidu na meji z Mehiko – mimogrede prav oni naj bi ga plačali in potem deportirali milijone nelegalnih priseljencev – najboljši način, kako popraviti sistem priseljevanja v Ameriki? Je zapiranje meja za muslimane res racionalen način, kako se spopasti z varnostnimi grožnjami? Nikakor ni! Trump je pač moški, čigar rasizem, politična nekorektnost in narcisizem prispevajo k radikalizaciji skupin ljudi, ki so nezadovoljni s trenutnim načinom vodenja države. Med njegovimi predlogi najdemo takšne, ki so naravnost smešni in neracionalni, da bi Ameriko spet narediti vplivno. Kar koli že to pomeni. Še vedno pa nima koherentnih idej in načrtov, kako to storiti. Vse, kar Trump dela, je izrabljanje skupine ljudi, ki so po večini slabo informirani o pravih težavah in ustreznih rešitvah zanje.

Kar najbolj zamerim Trumpu, pa je, da ZDA mnogi zdaj vidijo kot netolerantno in rasistično državo, ki si želi za voditelja »odraslega otroka«. Trumpu se daje tolikšna minutaža, da je zadušil glasove drugih, legitimnih, sposobnih kandidatov za predsednika ZDA. Trump je res premagal mnoge, ampak ne na način, ki bi bil dober za državo.

Naj vam odgovorim še na vprašanje, ki so mi ga v Sloveniji od prihoda že večkrat zastavili: kaj si mislim o Donaldu Trumpu? Mislim, da je gorečnež, prepričan o svojem prav, ki ne dovoli nikomur lastnega mnenja, še posebej, ko gre za rasna in etnična vprašanja, rasist in narcis, ki mu je vseeno za Ameriko in ideale, skrbi pa ga le za lastno dobro. Mislim, da gospod Trump v nobenem pogledu ni primeren za predsednika ZDA.

Žal mi je, gospa Trump, če vam odrekam nekaj, pri čemer bi lahko bili zelo dobri, ampak vsi pač ne moremo biti naslednja prva dama. Je pa škoda, da ne morete kandidirati za predsednico. Menim namreč, da bi bili vi v tem boljši od vašega moža.

Melania Trump z možem Donaldom. Foto: Reuters

Angleški izvirnik:

The Reason Melania Trump Can’t be the First Lady

Since I’ve been here in Slovenia, a lot of people have asked me how I feel about Donald Trump being the President of the United States. I didn’t think that Slovenes paid much attention to American politics, but then I learned something pretty important – Mr. Trump’s wife is a Slovene.

Being the First Lady doesn’t just mean being the President’s wife – the First Lady has the opportunity to present her own ideas, and she uses the fact that her husband is the President of the United States as a platform to jump from. What I’m trying to say is that the First Lady’s job isn’t to just sit there and look pretty (which I know that Mrs. Trump would do very well), but it’s about fighting for real issues and pushing important agendas while she has the standing to do it. And I’m sure that Melania Trump could do those things. She’s already made a name for herself, and she’s obviously smart. I’m sure that she would be an excellent First Lady. However, if Mrs. Trump were the First Lady, that would make Donald Trump the President, and I, along with many other Americans, have a serious problem with that.

Donald Trump is, in my opinion, an embarrassment to the United States. However, there are plenty of people in America who support Mr. Trump, and they have reasons for that. Think about the type of people who support Mr. Trump – most are white, conservative, working-class Americans who feel that the country (and the world, for that matter) is going in the wrong direction. These supporters are people who fear for their jobs, for their religion, and for their status in a nation that is becoming highly diverse and non-traditional. These are people who feel that the establishment is working them over – that the little guy is getting stepped on. And to be completely honest, they aren’t wrong. The United States is a changing country with a broken immigration system and a wildly unfair economic hierarchy. In some cases, these people really are getting worked over, and their expression of those concerns is both their right and their duty as a citizen of the United States. But Donald Trump is taking advantage of these people’s insecurities. I mean, think about it. Is building a massive wall along the Mexican-American border that Mexico is supposedly going to pay for, and then somehow deporting millions of illegal immigrants really the best way to fix the immigration system in the United States? Is closing the borders to all Muslims really a rational way to deal with security threats? Of course not! This is a man who’s racism, political incorrectness, and narcissism is contributing to the radicalization of a group of people who are dissatisfied with the way the country is currently being run. Trump has made all kinds of ridiculous and irrational proposals about what he is going to do to “Make America Great Again” (whatever that means), but he has yet to come up with a coherent set of ideas or plans on how to do it. All Trump is doing is taking advantage of a group of people who are, for the most part, uninformed about the real issues and real options on how to fix them.

What I hate the most about the Trump movement is that the United States is suddenly being seen as an intolerant, racist country who wants an overgrown child as their leader. Trump is getting so much air-time that he is drowning out the voices of other legitimate, viable options for the Presidency of the United States. Mr. Trump is indeed overthrowing the establishment, but it certainly isn’t in a way that is healthy for our country.

Let me answer the question that I’ve been asked multiple times since I’ve gotten here: What do I think about Donald Trump? I think he is a bigot, a racist, and a narcissist who doesn’t care about America and its ideals, but rather about selling his brand and lining his pockets. I think that Mr. Trump is, in every sense, unfit to be the President of the United States.
So I’m sorry, Mrs. Trump, to deprive you of something that you could really be good at, but we just can’t let you be the next First Lady. It’s too bad that you can’t run for President. I’m sure you’d do a much better job than your husband.

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